Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Eagle Has Landed

Yes, friends, we have arrived. We have successfully (sort of), moved from one country to another with a brief stop in the US. We have moved with a baby, a dog, and a very tired husband, but, we made it with most of our sanity still in tact.

Where are we? We are in Quito, Ecudaor. A HUGE change from Barbados, but one we have been looking forward to for quite a while.

There is so much to write about this beautiful country, but I will hold off on sharing that for now. That will come with later posts.

In the mean time, my hunny bunny turned 1 during our travel. GASP! It's been a full year since I was in the hospital waiting to be induced. I was as big as a house, but that was the best day of my life. I was blessed with my Olivia ;-D

We decided to have some family pictures taken during our layover in the US. We hired an AMAZING photographer, her name is Angelita Ballada. Check this chick out, she is AWESOME and with great pricing.

The family headed out to downtown Fayeteville and that's where the magic happened. Olivia would NOT stop smiling. Not only was she tired (past her nap), but she was also hungry,  but she was a true champ. So proud of her.

Here are some of the spectacular pics Angelita took.

By the way, that beautiful banner was courtesy of Didi (AKA, Olivia's Aunt and God Mother). If you are interested in a custom banner, please e-mail her directly. 

There were hundreds of pictures, but these were a couple of my favorites. 

Our next post will take us to Middle Earth. Check us out later!



  1. I love these pics!!! I can't wait to see pics of Evuador!

  2. YAY!!!
    Love the new Blog Design! Can't wait to hear more of your adventures!!
    So happy!
