Monday, July 22, 2013

A Giveaway and a Smile

This weekend the family and I headed out to the old airport in Ecuador. It's no longer in service and you know what they decided to turn it into? The BIGGEST recreational park I have ever seen!!!

From food (super important to me), amusement rides, rock climbing, kites, biking, every sport imaginable, running and walking trails...EVERYTHING! It was even doggy friendly. I loved it!!!!

I packed some snacks for Olivia, packed a blanket and headed out to watch hubby play softball.

Our dog Kingsley could not contain himself. He sniffed as many butts as his little heart desired.

If you are ever in Ecuador and want a fun outdoor activity that the whole family can enjoy, definitely give this park a visit. It's for the outdoorsy person in all of us. Our "outdoorsy" person wants out bad. So bad that hubby and I went to take a look at bikes to buy so we can return to the park and get our workout on.

Seriously though, seeing my family so happy made my heart melt with joy. At that moment, everything was perfect.

In honor of that day, I am giving away a beautifully handmade scarf to share with my readers. It's a made of cotton and it's great to wear on a cool day or when you just want to add a splash of color or sparkly (that is a word...right?) into your wardrobe. Please pardon the quality of the picture, but it was taken with my iphone :-/

All you have to do is leave a comment on whawt made you smile today and follow me on Twitter (See Rafflecopter below). Giveaway ends August 1 at 12:00AM

GOOD LUCK! a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, July 19, 2013

A Visit to Middle Earth

Okay, not THAT Middle Earth you are thinking about, but we did go to the middle of the earth.

It was actually kinda cool.

For those of you that don't know, there are 2 lines that claim to be the middle of the earth. Both about 500 meters from each other.

The original (and the closest one according to our GPS) was the one discovered by the pre-Inca Indians, from the Amazons. The 2nd line was "discovered" by a French man (forgot his name), who claimed this was the most accurate marking, though the Indians were much, much, closer. Where was the "real" line, according to our GPS?...The parking lot. Go figure!
Hubby and Olivia at the Equator (the fake one).

The original line. Also measured (according to them) by military GPS precision.

Yes, we got there and even did the cool experiments of balancing an egg on a nail and the water experiment where the water spins different directions down the plug hole depending on which side of the equator line you were on.
Me trying to balance an egg on a nail. Almost nailed it. HA!

This was a lot of fun to do. Yes, a bit touristy, but totally worth it.

We ended with lunch at a nearby local restaurant where Andrew Zimmer dined on cuy (guinea pig). My husband, ever the brave and hungry one, ate it too.

It's a delicacy here. NO, I did not try it. Although hubby said it was a bit gamey but delicious when you add a bit of lime.
Our daughter was very entertained through out the whole trip. It was about an hour drive (with traffic). We hired a private tour guide for $40 so we wouldn't feel trapped with a bunch of strangers. This also gave us an easy out in case Olivia got fussy. We packed snack, her dolly and her ever trusty Cybex stroller and we were golden.

If you are ever here, definitely do visit both centers. It's worth the trip and for $40 (for 2 adults), hiring a private tour guide that picks you up and drops you off at your hotel is totally worth it. Kids are unpredictable and knowing you have a quick exit or need to slow down is worth every penny.

Starting next week, I'll be giving away a beautiful (kinda sparkly), handmade scarf. Stay tuned.


Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Eagle Has Landed

Yes, friends, we have arrived. We have successfully (sort of), moved from one country to another with a brief stop in the US. We have moved with a baby, a dog, and a very tired husband, but, we made it with most of our sanity still in tact.

Where are we? We are in Quito, Ecudaor. A HUGE change from Barbados, but one we have been looking forward to for quite a while.

There is so much to write about this beautiful country, but I will hold off on sharing that for now. That will come with later posts.

In the mean time, my hunny bunny turned 1 during our travel. GASP! It's been a full year since I was in the hospital waiting to be induced. I was as big as a house, but that was the best day of my life. I was blessed with my Olivia ;-D

We decided to have some family pictures taken during our layover in the US. We hired an AMAZING photographer, her name is Angelita Ballada. Check this chick out, she is AWESOME and with great pricing.

The family headed out to downtown Fayeteville and that's where the magic happened. Olivia would NOT stop smiling. Not only was she tired (past her nap), but she was also hungry,  but she was a true champ. So proud of her.

Here are some of the spectacular pics Angelita took.

By the way, that beautiful banner was courtesy of Didi (AKA, Olivia's Aunt and God Mother). If you are interested in a custom banner, please e-mail her directly. 

There were hundreds of pictures, but these were a couple of my favorites. 

Our next post will take us to Middle Earth. Check us out later!