Friday, December 14, 2012

Real Housewives of Atlanta- Kenya Moore

Soooo...I LOVE watching Real Housewives of ANYTHING (except NY, I never got into it). RHO of Atlanta, Miami, Beverly hills, New them all. All them bitches be crazy, but there is one lady who deserves a special title in crazy town...Kenya Moore.

This lady is a total whack job...and I love it. Every time she opens her mouth I cringe at what is about to come out of it. Her claim to fame was that she was Miss USA in the early '90s. She has now joined the cast of RHOA. As this new season has unfolded, you see Miss. Moore clawing her way trying to convince her "boyfriend" to marry her/propose to her/impregnate her/give her a diamond. As the show has progressed, you can see this poor man's hesitation every single time the word "marriage" spewed out of her Miss. USA mouth. She looks so sadly desperate

Did I mention I love her for being crazy but hate her for being a total B??

Anyways, yesterday (or the day before yesterday...I forget), I was strolling through the internetz world and see this bombshell. This lady is actually faking this relationship with this man, making all this stuff up, just so she can get on the show. REALLY? AWESOME!!!!! This added a WHOLE new level of crazy to this woman. Who is saying such insane things? Who else but the "boyfriend". Salacious!

 If you are a fan of this show like me, you will enjoy this interview: Examiner : Kenya Moore 

Well, what can I say, BitchesBeCrazy!

Photo Credit: Bravo TV

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Happy 12.12.12

What better day to start blogging than today, 12.12.12.

Today is not only a special day because of the date, but it is all my 3 year wedding anniversary. I've been married to a spectacular and loving man. A great husband, father, son and friend.

I want everyone to enjoy your day today and all it has to offer.

I will return with lots more, like, can we discuss Real Housewives of Atlanta and the new report that Kenya Moore's relationship is fake. Like, for real?

Talk to you all in a bit.
Happy Anniversary Baby 12.12.12