Monday, May 20, 2013

Moving Away and Making Friends

Something about me that you may not know, is that I live with my family overseas. We travel constantly and change our home address, to a different country, about every 2 to 3 years.

There are a lot of perks and benefits to this lifestyle but there are definite drawbacks.

We are currently preparing to do another move and with that one of those drawbacks is rearing its ugly head, those dreaded goodbyes.

Moving to a brand new country is tough enough, but while my husband quickly resumes work, I am faced with the difficult task of making friends, finding the necessary resources to help my family function in day to day life and just figuring my shit out.

Then, finally, everything is settled, friends are made and roots are starting to grow, and boom, time to uproot them again and say goodbye. Those friendships that you nurtured and tended must come to, not an end, but a pause that may potentially, if not worked on from a distance, become stale and then dissipate.

It's hard. It hurts. I've met some absolutely amazing people. From a woman whose life was dedicated to rescuing children from brothels in third world countries who is now a loving mother to a vivacious boy, to other moms who have given up careers to stay home and love and teach their babies to grow spiritually and emotionally. I'll miss them. I've learned from them and am grateful that I've had the privilege of crossing paths with them.

To you I say, don't take your friendships for granted. Cherish them for they will teach you things about yourself you may have otherwise not known. If you don't have many friends, put yourself out there, you'll be surprised at the people you will meet and even more surprised at who you may one day call a friend.

Baby O enjoying a relaxing lunch while the chaos of moving continues around her. Gotta love these kids

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Walking Already?

It feels like just yesterday, my little girl was born, now, she is on the eve of turning 1 and she is starting to walk. Where is the time going?

I remember sitting in my hospital bed as she lay in my arms gently sleeping and holding on to a little piece of my hospital gown. I sat there and thought, "my life is simply...perfect. I love her and I'm going to protect her".

Fast forward and she is moving on her own and standing up by herself. My little princess, although still little, is not as little anymore.

She's on the move and ready to take over the world. Watch out world, baby O is coming.

Sorry for the blurry pic, but she won't still.